Neues HELDMASCHINE Album EISZEIT : 25/03/14

Die EISZEIT beginnt am 14. März 2025 !!! Wir feiern das mit Euch (und unseren Freunden von Aeverium) live im Kubana, Siegburg - bevor es zwei Wochen später zusammen mit EISBRECHER auf große Deutschland- und Europatour geht. Jungejunge ... wir drehen voll am Rad und freuen uns total !!!  Das neue Album EISZEIT kommt als Vinyl und CD, als Specia...

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​31 Januar 2025 - 12:00 MEZ / CET

31 Januar 2025 - 12:00 MEZ / CET

Karl Denke - Single, Video AND Film!

English (für deutsch nach unten scrollen)  The new Heldmaschine single 'Karl Denke' is here!! Huge thanks to the Karl Denke and the Heldmaschine teams for all your passion for this enormous film project!! Based on the historical cannibalism true crime drama of the same name by director Heintje Peter, in which our very own René Anlauff shows hi...

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Auf Deutschland-Tour mit EISBRECHER - 2025 !!

(scroll for english)  Es geht #Weiter! Nach der zweiten 'Flächenbrand Tour im Oktober 2024 kommt die KALTFRONT! Wir freuen uns tierisch, das bekannt geben zu können - und können es jetzt natürlich kaum erwarten, mit dem legendärn EISBRECHER gemeinsam loszuziehen!! Die Termine für April + Mai 2025 sind jetzt verfügbar - und der VVK hat begonnen...

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Flächenbrand Tour October 2024 !!

Es ist soweit - der #flächenbrand wird fortgesetzt !! Nach dem grossen Erfolg der #flächenbrand Tour im März 2024 kommt endlich der Nachschlag! Der Vorverkauf ist soeben gestartet unter und wir sind überglücklich, dass es nun #Weiter! geht !! #DankeFürDieSucht  #HastDuAngst ...

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New Single 'Hast Du Angst' - Fr June 9th, 2023 !!


Hast Du Angst Sie ist das Zittern in deiner Hand Alles versetzt in Alarmzustand Sorgt dafür dass dein Blut gefriert Längst hat sie dich anvisiert Sie ist die Panik, sie ist die Phobie Dein größter Albtraum, so schlimm war es nie Du frierst, Du zitterst, Du witterst Gefahr Du riechst sie doch sie ist unsichtbarSie lauert hinter jeder Ecke Sie liegt ...

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New festival MASCHINENGIPFEL - june 10, 2023

It is true - our very own, brand new open air festival will happen! We are super proud and happy to announce this, and we're inviting all of you guys to be part of our first MASCHINENGIPFEL ! It will take place at our beloved, legendary medieval castle location Festung Ehrenbreitstein in Koblenz, Germany on june 10th, 2023 !! We have invited f...

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Neue Single 'Sucht' - Out Now !!

morgengrauendlich rollt die bühnenfracht aus viel zu langem schlaf erwachtdie freude auf die nachtdie zeit steht stilldas herz pulsiert und fragt warumden alles dreht sich nur noch umdie ruhe vor dem sturmohne dich als teil vom schwarzen menschenmeerbelibt unser dasein seelenleerwir brauchen es so sehrwenn ein liedim warmen sturm sein ende suchtsch...

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Flächenbrand Tour 2023 announced !!

Here we go again!! This fall will see another tour through the home country. And it will feature new songs, new show elements and a few surpises - as always! We're especially proud to bring special guests Versus Goliath with us this time around. Check out these fresh guys and their music - e.g at our first MASCHINENGIPFEL Festival on june 10th 2023...

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What are wars for

Heldmaschine feat. Der Schulz - Wozu sind Kriege da In the light of current events we joined forces with Der Schulz (of 'Unzucht' fame) and recorded this cover version of an older yet timeless Udo Lindenberg song. We all found it very appropriate. English subtitkes are available as well! Feel free to share this song, as we wiill donate all income t...

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Tour march 2022 moved to 2023 - with a few exceptions!

Sadly, it was not avoidable once again - our tour in march 2022 had to be moved one more time. The general situation makes it impossible to tour around the country as we had planned to do. BUT there are two exceptions: The Cafe Hahn, Koblenz show and Cologne's Eltzhof both offer big enough capacity and also exceptional hygiene standards, so we are ...

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Heldmaschine Christmas Special 2021

Well well well... what can we say? We've had to postpone most of our concerts and even entire tours this year... again. So we thought of something else that can bring us together in the coming weeks and months: The Heldmaschine chocolate advent calendar and the brandnew Heldmaschine mug are here! At the camping site, at the bonfire, filled with mul...

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October Tour 2021 moved to october 2022 !

Argh... announcements like this one ain't no fun at all. We have tried everything behind the scenes to secure the october 2021 shows, but there are still no hygiene concepts that fit for ALL the clubs and venues involved - and for ALL the federal regulations that apply in the german north, south, east and west.... Thus we are left with one option o...

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Live stream Concert July 17th 2021

Wir haben erst überlegt, den Livestream abzusagen. Aber wir spielen lieber für Euch alle da draussen und spenden dann einen Grossteil der Einnahmen an die Hochwasser-Katastrophenhilfe.Danke an alle Helfer vor Ort! Wer spenden möchte - hier der Link: Zum Livestream geht es hier: https://www...

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March 2021 Tour moved to march 2022 !

New tour dates in 2022 !! We are very sorry we have to postpone the march 2021 tour, but the alternatives would be no concerts at all. Which sounds even worse. So here are the new dates. Eventim presale starts today ! Tickets you've bought already remain valid of course for the new dates. If you need to return a ticket, talk to the place where...

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October 2020 Tour moved to march 2021 - UPDATE !!

Yes we feared it would come: Another change of dates, and in some cases also venues. These are strange times, very unpredictable, and that goes not well together with planning a rock'n'roll tour months ahead.... so bear with us. We are very sorry we have to postpone again, but the alternatives would be no concerts at all. Which sounds even worse......

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Livestream - Show from Cologne's 'Groove Bar' !

Wooohooo !! We're super excited to be able to announce another very special Heldmaschine livestream concert: July 31st, 2020 in Cologne's Groove Bar & Lounge !!  The very few available tickets for this exclusive little show sold out immediately - but the livestream broadcast of the show will be available worldwide for ALL of you ! It ...

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No live concert ?? How about a LIVE STREAM !!

You witnessed it - we had to cancel our ongoing 'Im Fadenkreuz' tour right in the middle of it!  F*** corona... but we were glad most of you reacted so supportive and with a lot of understanding! Especially those of you who had traveled from far away were pretty unlucky. There were UK fans; Skandinavians as well as fans from Switzerland... and...

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Fall 2020 tour announced - Presale is up !

​Finally, the next tour is being announced ! A few of the march 2020 shows had to be postponed, but we do have new dates as well and tickets are available as of today ! Those of you who know our MAM-Shop already, also know about the exclusive bundles on offer over there (let's just say #LeckMichFett) but Eventim and the other usual suspects do...

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Im Fadenkreuz Tour moved to late 2020

Hey guys, these are strange days. Exactly on this beautiful friday, 13th -right in the middle of our 'Im Fadenkreuz' tour- we were about to set up the stage in Cologne's awesome Eltzhof venue - boom, bubble busted. Officials strongly recommended to cancel even mid sized events to reduce infection risks. Oh well. Not the fault of the local prom...

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